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## S3 Using the substitution of $x_{easy}= x-e$ the problem reduces to the normal particle in a box, where the solutions are known (see ACPC PVK Quantum > Wichtige Beispiele > 1D Teilchen im Kasten). ## S4 **a)** See solutions for particle in a box (ACPC PVK Quantum > Wichtige Beispiele > 1D Teilchen im Kasten) (for the second box, solve using $x_{easy}= x-2l$) **b)** Because outside of the box the solution is zero, there is no interaction between the two boxes, this is why we can consider them seperateley. We can superimpose those solutions by simple addition. **c)** No it cannot, for tunneling to be possible we need a finite barrier, but our barrier is infiniteley high (It is a forbidden transition) **d)** By using spectroscopy one could analyse which energy levels can be excited. As long as $l \neq L$ there are some transitions which are possible in the left box, but not in the right